User model

The first entity will be created, but now using Prisma instead of TypeORM.

Inside the file schema.prisma, we shall then create our first model, for User. It is similar to the entity class that would receive TypeORM decorators. Let's then add the following.

model User {
  id Int @id @default(autoincrement())

  name     String
  email    String @unique
  phone    String @unique
  password String

  createdAt DateTime @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt

Then, generate and run the respective migration.

yarn migrate:create create-user
yarn migrate:run

Now, create the users resource once again.

nest g res domain/users

Remember the following options:

  • Transport Layer - REST API

  • CRUD entry points - Yes

And perform the following steps to finish its assembly

  • Exclude the entities folder

  • In the controller, use the IdDto wherever id is being used

  • Remove the number conversion operator (+) below each occurrence

  • Use PaginationDto in the findAll() method (and also in the service)

    • Default page size - 10

Commit - Creating user model

If you wish to have validation, follow the section in the Core module, as it's identical. The same can be done with pagination, and also with the following decorators (for better organization in subsequent lessons)

  • @IsCardinal()

  • @IsEntity()

  • @IsCurrency()

Commit - Auxiliary structure

Last updated