
In the Order logic, what is similar to its respective part in the Core module:

  • Create the OrderItemDto

export class OrderItemDto {
  readonly product: IdDto;

  readonly quantity: number;
  • Implement the CreateOrderDto

export class CreateOrderDto {
  readonly customer: IdDto;

  @Type(() => OrderItemDto)
  readonly items: OrderItemDto[];
  • Delete the UpdateOrderDto, and the update() method in the controller and service

Now what's new: in the service, we should, both in findAll() and findOne(), fetch the relations. Note that we need to use include whenever fetching an entity with relations.

include: {
  items: {
    include: {
      product: true,
  customer: true,
  payment: true,

And the aux method to create items with price. What should be noticed is, when creating the orderItem, the Prisma dynamic type, which allows for robust type safety.

private async createOrderItemWithPrice(orderItemDto: OrderItemDto) {
  const { id } = orderItemDto.product;

  const { price } = await this.prisma.product.findUniqueOrThrow({
    where: { id },

  const orderItem: Prisma.OrderItemCreateManyOrderInput = {
    productId: id,
  return orderItem;

And finally the create() method. Note that we connect the order with an existing user but also create orderItems when creating the order.

async create(createOrderDto: CreateOrderDto) {
  const { customer, items } = createOrderDto;

  const itemsWithPrice = await Promise.all(
    items.map((item) => this.createOrderItemWithPrice(item)),

  return this.prisma.order.create({
    data: {
      customer: { connect: customer },
      items: { createMany: { data: itemsWithPrice } },

Commit - Implementing order logic

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