Parallel module - Prisma

Another ORM with a different, interesting approach.

In this module, we'll once again create the project from (almost) scratch, but this time while using the Prisma ORM. It has some differences when compared with TypeORM, and also some innovative features. Even though it still has some limitations, it is undoubtedly a very promising tool.

Its main difference is that the entities's definitions are created in a single file, schema.prisma. And Prisma generates robust types whenever queyring an entity. Due to this, if we fetch a user without its orders, for instance, then this field won't be accessible even though a user has it in its definition.

Remember to access the Prisma branch. You may choose the option Create Worktree for branch, as this creates a dedicated folder for this branch. This avoids mixing up .env files, among other advantages.

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