Necessary tools

Required software to develop the project.

Before starting the project itself, we need to install the necessary tools and software listed below. Due to the practical nature of the course, many programs will be required.

Required software

  • Node.js (LTS version)

  • VSCode* - Used extensions below

    • ESLint

    • Prettier - Code formatter

    • Docker

    • DotENV

    • GitLens - Git supercharged

    • IntelliCode

    • Material Icon Theme (optional cosmetic)

    • Prisma (for the Parallel module)

  • GitHub account - During the project, we'll be committing at key points. If you have an account, you can benefit from this and also publish your project if you want.

  • Git - For actually committing and publishing the project

  • Insomnia* - REST Client for API testing (usage covered only in video lessons)

  • Docker Desktop (also requires WSL)

  • NestJS CLI (Installation detailed below)

Tools with a * can be replaced with another of your preference.

Nest installation

The Nest CLI is our interface for using Nest's commands. To install it, run the command below in the terminal.

Some notes before installing

  • Open the terminal as Admin

  • Recommended to install it with the current Node.js LTS version

  • Used versions: Node 18.16.0 and Nest 9.5.0

npm i -g @nestjs/cli

And to confirm that it has been installed successfully, check the version.

nest -v

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