Some final words after finishing the Core module
I hope you have enjoyed your time here learning how to develop a somewhat real application and acquired useful knowledge and skills while doing so. The intention is not only that you learn, but also that you have fun doing so, and this is why the course is 100% practical. It can be very tedious and bothersome to learn something in a way that is completely abstract and disconnected from reality. So, once again, thank you for taking this course with me and I hope you feel that your time was well spent.
Still, there is a lot more to learn. There are many other modules present in the full course that may further expand your knowledge. If you are interested, you may acquire it for an accessible price on Udemy. Just to recap, this is the full content
Core module - Backend Development with NestJS
Improvements/Tips module
Extra module 1 - Authentication/Authorization
Extra module 2 - Exception Filters
Extra module 3 - OpenAPI Specification
Extra module 4 - File Management
Extra module 5 - Advanced Querying
Extra module 6 - Automated Testing
Parallel module - Prisma
Further Improvements
As a last word, I encourage you to take ownership of this project. If there's something you didn't understand fully, study once again the respective lesson and try to fiddle with the code in order to see what's happening. Try to think of different, maybe even better solutions to the situations being tackled here. Finally, try to think of new, interesting functionalities to the system. What if the user actually had the balance attribute that would be altered when an order is paid? What would be the new logic necessary to make this consistent? There are many different things you could think of to play with in the code, this is just an example.
With all this said, thank you once again for participating in the course, and I hope it can help you in some way. Always remember that you can go back to it whenever you wish. Best regards.
Here, I would like to thank several people for varying reasons. All of them have, in some way, helped me in the inception and quality of this project.
Professor Nélio Alves - For his excellent Java course which really helped me to consolidate overall programming knowledge, and also his own shop project which inspired this one
Victor Lima - For his clear and in-depth Node.js course, which also helped me to start learning JavaScript in general
Maximilian Schwarzmüller - For his top-notch programming school Academind which helped me learn a lot, mainly about TypeScript and code design
Kamil Myśliwiec - For creating the NestJS framework which made this course possible in the first place, and also for his participation in the NestJS official courses
Mark Pieszak - For co-participating with Kamil in the NestJS official courses
And many more for their valuable discussions and insights found in Stack Overflow, GitHub, and personal blogs (most of their content is referenced throughout the course)
Last updated