Insert admin migration

A migration to create an admin user.

Now, let's create a blank migration to insert an admin user in the database.

yarn migration:create src/database/migrations/insert-admin

And then, write the query to insert him manually.

export class insertAdminTimestamp implements MigrationInterface {
  public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
    await queryRunner.query(`
      INSERT INTO "user"
        ("name", "email", "phone", "password", "role")
        ('admin', '', '955555555', '$2a$10$wD8NCyhfdIWhVY4BAL9pTOH/HIuEvb8Rv6ZcgdY3LH9P.rtu2LE3i', 'ADMIN')

  public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
    await queryRunner.query(`
      DELETE FROM "user"
      WHERE "email" = ''

The password in the migration is already hashed, otherwise the admin would not be able to login. It corresponds to the password AAaa11!!. It was obtained from this site.

Commit - Inserting admin user in migration

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