Response setup

With everything ready, the response can be setup and sent.

With the status, error and message in hand, it's time to setup the response. We can chain the following methods:

  • status() - Sets the status of the response

  • json() - Defines the returned body

With this, we return an exception following the same pattern as Nest.

  statusCode: status,

We have finished our first exception filter! We can then activate it globally in the DatabaseModule.

Commit - Creating the not found exception filter

After this, we can search our code and, wherever we find something like this:

const user = await this.usersRepository.findOneBy({ id });
if (!user) {
  throw new NotFoundException('User not found');
return user;

We may replace it with the following:

return this.usersRepository.findOneByOrFail({ id });

Only do this when the exception thrown is a NotFoundException

Commit - Cleaning find one calls

Last updated