Factory function for file validators
A more encapsulated way to instantiate file validators.
Let's then continue this structure in src -> files. There, first we'll create the file util -> file-validation.util, where we'll define a type for the allowed file types.
Here, we use jpeg instead of jpg because the comparison is made with the Media Type, which is the extension's complete name. Due to this, the short form would not work.
Now, let's create a factory function, which will return the two validators, so that we don't need to manually instantiate them. The function will have as parameters the maxSize
and the fileTypes
, and then returns the two validators. Therefore, this will be its signature:
Let's then create the fileTypeRegex
from the received fileTypes
Then, return the two validators.
There is still a problem: the maxSize
in bytes. To fix this, we can use the bytes library, which is already installed. We just need to install its typing.
Import it while adding * as
What's left to do is to change the type of the maxSize
parameter to string, and then use the bytes library to transform this string to a value in bytes when instantiating the first validator.
And, a last improvement we could make, is to create the template literal type FileSize
. With it, we can enforce that the maxSize
should be a string containing a number followed by either KB, MB or GB. We can also create a type to represent these magnitudes.
Back in the route, our validators
can now be created like this:
Commit - Using a factory function to create file validators
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