
Now the Product model, which has relations with Category and Order.

model Product {
  id Int @id @default(autoincrement())

  name        String  @unique
  description String?
  price       Decimal @db.Decimal(6, 2)

  createdAt DateTime @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt

Product and Category have a many-to-many relation, so we'll have in Product

categories Category[]

And in Category

products Product[]

Now, generate and run the migration

yarn migrate:create create-product
yarn migrate:run

Create the products resource

nest g res domain/products

And perform the steps to finish its assembly

  • Exclude the entities folder

  • In the controller, use the IdDto wherever id is being used

  • Remove the number conversion operator (+) below each occurrence

  • Use PaginationDto in the findAll() method (and also in the service)

    • Default page size - 20

Commit - Creating product model

Last updated