Simulated environment
An environment to simulate an actual real-world scenario.
Well, before proceeding to the users tests, let's have a test database in order to test the CRUD operations. An actual Postgres database will be used so that the tests are closer to a real-world scenario. Environment variables will also be used for better organization.
We should then create the file .env.test.local, following the convention in the .gitignore file. There, copy the database credentials and just set the DATABASE_PORT
to 5433, as to prevent a collision with the development database.
Once again in the docker-compose.yml file, create a service for the test database:
And in the file package.json, let's add a pre and post scripts for test:e2e
around it. They will be responsible for, respectively, creating and excluding the test database (and volume). Please note that we should also pass --env-file to indicate the .env file to be used in docker-compose.yml.
We may also use the s flag for rm (resulting in -sfv), which would stop the container before removing, and allow for deleting the previous command for stopping. However, this is a bit slower than the way shown above.
If the tests fail, the test database will need to be deleted manually with the post script.
Inside the src folder, we can then create a configuration namespace for the test database in testing -> config -> test-database.config.
Here, we turn on synchronize
to automatically execute the migrations.
And we can create the file testing -> util -> testing.constants with the validation schema for the testing environment variables.
We may then proceed to the actual tests.
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